Stress and Fruit

Family life is inherently stressful. So is ministry life. It just goes with the territory. There are too many people with too many needs, all demanding time and energy. But family life and ministry life are also both inherently rewarding, because God gives us these relationships as gifts, as places to experience the fruit of His Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Note that “fruit” is singular in Gal. 5:22. Those wonderful traits we get to experience in our relationships in the one body are aspects of the one fruit.
So, maybe the next time you feel like bawling, or pulling your hair out, before you yell at the kids and kick the cat, try praying to be shown, and to have the ability to show to others, the fruit of God's spirit in your life. Then let God surprise you in how that fruit shows up in your day!