Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Elusive Calm

A few weeks ago, after a particularly hectic week, I told someone, “Hopefully, next week will be calmer!!” But it seems like the next week always brings its own form of busy-ness. Even if the schedule looks relatively clear, some crisis pops up, or maybe it’s some unexpected fun activity. But it never seems to stop, or even slow down. Granted, some weeks bring true crisis, which tends to put our normal busy life into perspective—it may be busy, but it isn’t devastating. Yet more and more of us seem to be living in constant crisis mode. We know it isn’t healthy for body or soul, but what can we do??

Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)

How hard is that for any modern American woman, much less a youth minister’s wife?? Even more so if you have your own children. One of my friends posted on her Facebook page—“got up early, hoping for some uninterrupted quiet time [with God], but 2 kids are up. Stupid time change!” Even when we have good intentions, slowing down to “still” seems so hard and elusive for us. I know I’m not very good at it! But when I manage, one way or another, to accomplish this, oh, how much better life is. It can adjust the attitude, give us strength to say “no” to the things we really need to say no to, and refocus us on the important, rather than the urgent.

Satan doesn’t want us to commune with our God. He doesn’t want that relationship to get stronger and more intimate. So beware of roadblocks, even those that seem holy, that may be hindering you. Call him on it, out loud if necessary, and pray!! Jesus knows our heart, but praying that he will help you find the time and space for stillness will do wonders in helping you actually achieve it. And if you goof up and fill that time otherwise (my pillow was keeping me magnetically attached!) – don’t give up, just keep trying. The effort will be rewarded!!


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