Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Well, we haven’t been blogging lately. Jennifer has a great excuse…her son just graduated from high school (after being homeschooled most of his years) and she’s had final grades to tally, a celebration to plan, etc. I have no good excuse. I went from pretty busy to not so pretty busy, and just haven’t sat down to type. I guess I lacked motivation. Not that you all aren’t important to me, you are!! But when the need is sort of invisible, not right in your face, it’s pretty easy to procrastinate.

But aren’t some of the most important needs around us invisible? The immediate visible stuff demands attention. That pile of dirty dishes stares you in the face. The mound of dirty laundry. The young people that are loud or excited and right in front of you. But what about the quiet ones? Or the ones who don’t even show up? Aren’t they the ones who need our time and attention the most?

What about your husband’s invisible needs? Sure, he’d be thrilled if you deal with the dirty dishes before he comes home. Sure, he wants you to help with the ministry in visible ways. But what about his need for respect? His need for you to be a strong tower, supporting him when he’s down and when he’s up? His need for a sounding board? His need for a word of encouragement when he’s been hearing lots of criticism?

How do we stay motivated to do the most important things, that aren’t always readily visible? I think it is praying that we’ll be able to see with God’s eyes, rather than our own. To see Him! Then we can live in a motivated faith, like Moses: “he persevered because he saw him who is invisible.” (Hebrews 11:27b)


At 9:31 PM, Blogger Ginger Newingham said...

this was a nice reminder. chance and i had just been talking about the five love languages and how mine is acts of service. most days i show him love in my own language, but i forget to do the "invisible acts." thanks for the encouragement!

At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great reminder! With a new little one at our house (1 week old little boy) and with our 2 year old daughter, often Brent does not get the attention he deserves from me. He wouldn't ever say it, but I need to be more intentional with my support and respect of him. Thanks again for the reminder and your encouragment! Love, Courtney Warner

At 2:27 PM, Blogger Lori and Jennifer said...

Congratulations Courtney (and Brent, too) on the new little one! I didn't know another was on the way!


At 11:18 AM, Blogger The Warner Four said...

Thanks! Blake Elijah arrived on June 5th. We are enjoying him, and big sister Claire is having a blast! Love, Courtney


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