Friday, May 04, 2007

I found myself imitating my father recently

I was driving alone in our minivan and had a moment of frustration with another driver. Before I could stop myself I was muttering, “What an idiot!” under my breath. I was instantly aware of my error. I’m sure it was conviction from the Holy Spirit. I was thankful my kids weren’t with me!

The next thought in my mind was, “I’m just like my dad!” I am meaning no disrespect to my dad. He was raised in a completely non-Christian home with lots of insults and unkind words thrown carelessly around. He found Jesus and rose above his upbringing, but certain behaviors were hard to shake. My sister and I grew up in a loving family, but we all still hurled hurtful words at each other, especially in anger. We were following in my dad’s footsteps, mimicking the example we were shown.

I thought those words were banished long ago from my vocabulary. I’ve learned that’s not the way my heavenly Father wants me to treat his children. I don’t make bad-mouthing people a habit. So why did this come so quickly to my mind and my mouth?

I’m seeing this experience as a wake-up call that I need to be spending some more time with my Father. (Notice the capital “F”). The things in our past that have shaped us into who we are (both good and bad) are deeply ingrained in us, but that doesn’t mean they cannot be overcome. Becoming more like Jesus is possible through spending time with Him in the Word, by praying, by learning more and growing more mature in the faith; we can grow out of the negative things.

I think of Paul saying to the Corinthians, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ,” (1 Corinthians 11:1). That’s pretty bold! But seriously, as leaders in the church, especially youth leaders, we in effect are saying that, even if we do not use those words. The kids in our youth groups will be imitating us. They will be watching to see if we mean what we say about loving others. They will take their cues from us.

That can be scary, but if we look to our Father as the example and follow His lead and listen to His correction, He will honor our commitment to Him. We don’t have to be perfect, but we need to be growing and alive.


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