Christmas contrasts
The following was part of a friend's Christmas letter, and I loved it so much I asked her permission to share it with you on the blog:
Upon reflecting back on the year and also thinking and preparing my heart for Christmas these last few days, I continue to come back to a story that has resonated with me so much the last couple of months. My husband and I were blessed with a wonderful trip to Maui in October (and yes, we were there for the earthquake). His company hosted us in such a fabulous way. Maui is so incredibly beautiful--my eyes were in for a treat at every turn. We had every comfort imaginable available to us there. Once while sitting by myself on the lawn overlooking the ocean (after my spa treatment), I even had a pool attendant startle me with "Cold towel, ma'am?" Good grief, I wasn't sure what I would even want a cold towel for! Anyway, the food was also delicious and beautifully prepared, the sounds of the ocean so soothing, the smells of plumeria in bloom so tantalizing……. In short, every one of our senses was engaged in pleasure.
However, a day after our return home our senses were abruptly brought back to reality. Our family helps with a program at our church called "Quest". We, along with numerous others, minister to about 30+ kids each week from underprivileged homes in our town. My husband is official "bus driver" and I help maintain some semblance of control. Anyway, just the sight of many of their homes brings to mind the darkness that permeates so much of our society. The smell is yet another story. I many times feel like I've not only been exposed to every germ in our county, but had them wiped all over me! I've had to explain who my hubby is more than once--some of the little ones called him "that guy that comes with you". They literally have had no previous conception of a "husband" or "daddy". Sweet, sweet children. Anyway, you get the picture of what we stepped off the plane to face. It was such a stark contrast I couldn't help but carry it around with me for weeks.
It finally hit me this week. That's what Jesus did for us! The extremes that we felt coming from one part of our world to another in a matter of a day is so small compared to what Jesus faced in coming to earth. He left heaven and all the comforts and love it provided to come to earth, not in splendor, but in poverty—to a dark, smelly stable. And He did that because the great love He has for us compelled Him to! It's amazing, isn't it?
Love and Merry Christmas!!
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