Monday, November 05, 2007

New Directions

Wow! What happened to the last month? Jennifer and I have both been swamped, which leads us to this post. We're soon to become the "former youth minister's wives club." (My hubby has accepted a preaching ministry position, and hers is teaching other guys to be youth ministers!) But we still both have a huge heart for youth minister's wives. However, we need to hear from people in the trenches. So--if you are there, and have something to share with others like you, send it to us (via a posted comment) and we will moderate (that is, edit it for grammar, make sure you're being Biblical) and then post it!

Here are some questions to get you thinking about what you might send in--please help us out and be a "guest blogger"--or send us questions and we'll do our best to answer them!

What Bible verse has spoken to you recently, particularly in your role as a youth minister's wife? What lessons has God been teaching you through your life and ministry? What questions would you like to ask someone who has been in youth ministry a long time?

We look forward to hearing from you!!


At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for this solid biblical encouragement. I find that it is so difficult to be transparent--rejoice in my weaknesses--around those in our church body; as a result I feel isolated sometimes. I know God is my strength and he is a shield to me, but I find it so difficult to remain open with people. (This is not exactly an answer to your questions.)


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